All Ministries
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary's Church:
We sincerely welcome you to our Church and to our faith community. All of us belong to the Catholic ‘universal’ Church and you, in particular, can bring tremendous gifts to our Parish. If you are new to us, we invite you to join one of our many ministries. We have seen enormous growth in our community, which reminds us of both the opportunities and the challenges that face us in the future.
The founders of St. Mary's laid the groundwork for us. We must now continue to grow and flourish by way of giving our time, our talents, and our treasures. There is much to accomplish in the coming years, and it will require the dedication and generosity of all parishioners. In what way can you offer your time, talent and treasure for the honor and glory of Our Lord? We encourage you to set aside some time in your busy day to look through this Ministry's . We ask everyone to give this prayerful consideration.
Christ asks all of us to help grow His church. Our growth is flourishing; however, it takes many volunteers to keep our momentum going. Once you begin to get involved in our church community you will find that you will make some wonderful new friends who share your Catholic beliefs and values.
Stewards of our Time …
Make Mass the top priority on Sunday
Spend time in prayer each day
Pray with family and loved ones
Stewards of our Talent …
Use our gifts to help build the kingdom
Remain active in our parish ministries
Remain open to new ministries
Teach our children to serve the Church
Stewards of our Treasure …
We are called to look at our giving as a response for the blessings God has given us
Make an intentional gift each week
Use offertory envelopes and online giving
Support the Catholic Faith Appeal
For ministry numbers or email please call the parish Office 909-822-5670 Para números de ministerio o correo electrónico, llame a la oficina parroquial 909-822-5670
Pastoral Council: Jose Valdez, Paula Garcia, Alberto Cervantes, Nadia Cardenas, Mercedes Blanco, Blanca Villalobos, Ed Lenon, Rosa Bravo
Building Committee: Pastoral Council , Chris Perez, Gabriel Gonzalez, Arturo Gonzalez.
Finance Council: Letty Haase, Osbelia Lozano, Jim Kassar
Religious Education
Adult First communion, Confirmation and RICA Patty Ruiz -Director of Religious Ed
Youth Confirmation/Confirmación para Jovenes Patty Ruiz (English) America Uriarte (Esp)
First Communion/Primera communion Eng-Coordinator-Lucy Ventura Sp-Coordinadora-Maribel Robles Young Catholics
Children's mass 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am and 11am
Genesis (Spanish) Marcos Cardenas and Ramiro Martin
Edge(MS) and Lifeteen (HS) (Eng) Diana Quezada-Romo and Loren Recio The vision of St Marys Youth Ministry is to be guided by the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother, that we might be enabled to love all teens, show them hospitality and compassion, allowing them to grow in wisdom and knowledge of our common faith and share the riches of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through ministry, discipleship and liturgical worship. Our Mission Statement is: Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples. Lead teens closer to Christ.
Monaguillos: Gabby and Sam Rodriguez
Singing Angels Choir -Karla Camacho and Liza Oyervides-Please email for more info Liturgy Coordinator : Deacon Carlos Morales Altar Society: Eucharistic Ministers:
Eucaristia:Candida Chaidez and Marina Castaneda
Lectores: Elvia Flores and Lidia Bobadilla
English Lectors: Daniel Arellano
Womens Group: Sisters of Faith(Meets Wednesday after the 9:15 am mass) Mission Statement Women Choir( Sing Every 4th Sunday of the Month)-Linda Viejo 909-260-4430
Choirs / Coros We currently need Choirs and Choir Directors for the 2nd and 4th English 11 am Sunday Mass. Please contact the parish office 909-822-5670
Coro Santa Maria Liza Oyevides Women Choir( Sing Every 4th Sunday of the Month)-Linda Viejo 909-260-4430 Singing Angels Choir (3rd Sunday of the Month )-Karla Camacho and Liza Oyervides-Please email for more info Youth Choir 13+ -Karla Camacho and Liza Oyervides-Please email for more info Voces Para Cristo-Francisco Hernandez Jesus Marin Parusia-Diego Gamboa
Matrimonios: Alberto y Isela Alvarado Mission-Nosotros somos laicos comprometidos al servicio De Dios, nuestro principal objetivo es ayudar a las parejas a recibir el sacramento del matrimonio. El ministerio ofrece ayuda para matrimonios en necesidad,crecimiento para nosotros como matrimonios, lecturas bíblicas y más y hay cuidado de niños. Tenemos un retiro de parejas una vez al año y pláticas prematrimoniales dos veces al año y tambien tenemos Paz y bien que la bendición de Dio esté con todos nosotros
Ujieres: David Orozco and Rosa Garcia El ministerio de ujieres sirve en :
Usheres: Knights of Columbus
Gifted and Called LGBTQ+Faith Sharing Ministry We are LGBTQ +, we are Catholics, we are baptized, we are members of the family of St. Mary’s seeking a friendship with our Lord Jesus Christ, Fellowship with our brothers and sisters, peace and unity for the Body of Christ of which we are a part . We promote Love, Hope, Respect, Simplicity, Sincerity and emphasize the inherent dignity of all persons. Because all have been made worthy by His Sacrifice, and all have been called to belong; We strive to provide a safe space for dialogue, growth, learning, and faith sharing. We welcome all who would like to follow our friend Jesus, hand in hand with our mother Mary, guidance of the Holy Spirit, and love of God our Father to love and serve each other with the talents and gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. We are gifted and called. All are welcome, all belong. Somos LGBTQ+, somos católicos, somos bautizados, somos miembros de la familia de Santa María buscando una amistad con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el compañerismo con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, la paz y la unidad para el Cuerpo de Cristo del que formamos parte . Promovemos el Amor, la Esperanza, el Respeto, la Sencillez, la Sinceridad y enfatizamos la Dignidad propia de todas las personas. Porque todos han sido hechos dignos por Su Sacrificio, y todos han sido llamados a pertenecer; Nos esforzamos por proveer un espacio seguro para el diálogo, el crecimiento, el aprendizaje y el compartimiento de la fe. Bienvenimos a todos los que quieran seguir a nuestro amigo Jesús de la mano de nuestra madre María, la guía del Espíritu Santo, y el amor de Dios nuestro Padre, para amarnos y servirnos mutuamente con los talentos y dones que nos ha otorgado el Espíritu Santo. Somos dotados y llamados. Todos son bienvenidos, todos pertenecen.
Crecimientos: Jose Dominguez and Miriam Garcia
Estudio y Difusion: Miguel Solorio and Alberto Cervantes LA MISIÓN de este ministerio es llevar ala palabra de Dios por medio de obras donde se relatan sucesos cristianos en los cuales se representan las Apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe a San Juan Diego, Pastorela, se reprcenta el nacimiento del niño Jesús y las penas que pasaron con María y José, El Víacrusis, se representa la pasión y muerte que sufrió nuestro Señor Jesúcristo
Grupo OracionNuevo Amancecer Angel Careño 760-644-3758, Leticia Careño 909-559-2696 MISSION' El Grupo De oración es una comunidad con el carisma de la oración. Nuestra misión es interceder por medio de la oración por nuestras necesidades al mismo tiempo ayudas darnos mutualmente a crecer espiritualmente a través de la oración alabanza y la predicación. Nos ayudamos a sanar heridas físicas y espirituales. nuestro encuentro con el señor es cada lunes después de la misa de las 7pm. Mateo 28’20 porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi nombré ahí estoy yo en medio.
Pan de Vida: Alfonso Garcia Coordinador (909)559-5353 y Ana Martín sub-coordinadora (909) 642-9242 Pan de Vida es un ministerio de acción que elabora y entrega de canastas básicas de despensas. Por medio de nuestro trabajo y las contribuciones de la comunidad se ponen en acción y se trasmiten las virtudes de Fe, Esperanza, y Caridad. Bread of Life is an action ministry that elaborates and delivers basic food Baskets. Through our work and the contributions of the community we put in action and transmit the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
Pro-Life-Sandra Preciado and Susana Morales
Amor y Fe: Roberto Aguirre and Yolanda Hernandez
Grupo de Rosario: Angie Maldonado
Duelo/Grief: Aida Blanco y Guillermina Gonzalez
Knights of Columbus: Fred Ibarra OUR MISSION
Quinceaneras: Blanca Villalobos
Parish Events: Paula Garcia
Parish Raffles: Arturo Gonzalez
Parish Bookstore: Maria Rojas
Devotions /Devociones
Divine Mercy Mar Alvarez Lour Albao
La Sangre Preciosa Sangre De Jesucristo Yolanda Cacua Veronica Pristo
Santo Niño Ma. Rosa De Guia Rosy Rivera
Immaculada Conception Edgard Jerez Maria Rojas